Sunday, May 13, 2007

Overdid it at the Gym, Farmer's Market, and Mothers Day

I think I may have overdone it at the gym today. I woke up a bit past 8 AM, hopped on my bike and caught the train to San Carlos for my Sunday morning Wing Chun Kung Fu class.

TCB at 7-11, I went in side, to make my withdrawal, I saw what they had but I had to take it all

Then on to the gym. I got there early and hit the elliptical for about 20 minutes. The rest of the class showed up and we had a great session. Three way Si Lim Tau was cool.

Then I did some back exercises and stretches with a foam roller and baseball to try to work out my lower back. Then back on the elliptical for another 20 minutes or so.

I busted out of there at about 11:35 and had to haul ass to catch the train back to Mountain View. I stopped at the farmers market with ideas in my head from "What to Eat," by Marion Nestle which I started yesterday. I got some raisins, a loaf of bread, some organic spinach, and some cherries.

I got back home and hit the shower. Then I called my mom to wish her a happy Mother's Day.

At around 2 this afternoon I started to get a really bad headache. I suspect it may have been from overdoing at the gym. That second session on the elliptical was pretty hard core with my heart rate topping 170 and me gasping for breath.

I am starting to feel a bit better now after a nap but I was pretty worried I'd pushed to far.

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