Monday, October 18, 2010

Ponderosa to Las Palmas

After a few weeks in the making, today I finally hooked up with Nicky Gaston for a photo session. Nicky works at and rides for Society Skateshop in San Carlos where we met.

We headed to a spot he knew called Ponderosa Park in Sunnyvale. When we got there, it was clear Ponderosa park wasn't the spot. A phone call to his girl and things got even more hectic.

Nicky: "Hey, what's the name of that park we used to go to in Sunnyvale."
Girl: "Ponderosa Park."
Nicky: "No, we're at Ponderosa Park."
Girl: "Yea, that's it."
Nicky, "It's definitely not it because we're here right now."
Girl (Text): "You an asshole"

Eventually, we figured out it wasn't Ponderosa Park at all but rather Las Palmas Park.

It was worth the trip.

Nicky Gaston Playground Slide Back D

Be sure to check out some of Nicky's art on display at Society. He's also connected to the Tea Shack Project.

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