Thursday, December 09, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hosoi, Keegan, and Art'n'Soul

The wedensday night vert session was on at Cunningham! I was working on this shot of none-other-than Christian Hosoi...

Christian Hosoi

Keegan skates over to say hi.

Keegan: Hey D what's up?
D: Keegan, hey man, how's school?
K Great, I'm digging it.
D: Cool.
K: Blah blah blah, Frontside grind, blah blah
D: Sounds great

Five minutes go by, Keegan skates back over.

Keegan: I can get a frontside grind in the cradle in max two tries
D: Oh, you want me to get that shot for you?
K: Yea, that'd be sweet.
D: OK, let's do it.

Keegan got this.

Keegan FS Smith

Keegan's dad Terrance was there to see and he was super stoked on it too.

Cunningham shut down by 9PM so I rolled over to the monthly fixture at Voodoo Lounge San Jose: Art'n'Soul.

Blake, F/S 5-0 Kickflip out

Blake F/S 5-0 Kickflip

The boys put a new coat of paint on the ramp and added a nice extension.

Noggin and Luis

Ramp Repair

Then it really went off! The band took the stage.


Luis got after it.

Luis Rock


Extension Getting Bent

Daniel Boyer is always on.

Frontside in Yo Face

Noggin climbed up to the top.

Noggin, Ruling!

Then shit got a little weird.

Tony started himself on fire.


The band started getting buggy.


Mike went INSANE.

Mike Nosegrabber

Abstract and out.


Go check out Art'n'Soul at Voodoo Lounge. It's a great time. If you want to see more photos from Cunningham, check the Tim Brauch Memorial set up on flickr.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Ponderosa to Las Palmas

After a few weeks in the making, today I finally hooked up with Nicky Gaston for a photo session. Nicky works at and rides for Society Skateshop in San Carlos where we met.

We headed to a spot he knew called Ponderosa Park in Sunnyvale. When we got there, it was clear Ponderosa park wasn't the spot. A phone call to his girl and things got even more hectic.

Nicky: "Hey, what's the name of that park we used to go to in Sunnyvale."
Girl: "Ponderosa Park."
Nicky: "No, we're at Ponderosa Park."
Girl: "Yea, that's it."
Nicky, "It's definitely not it because we're here right now."
Girl (Text): "You an asshole"

Eventually, we figured out it wasn't Ponderosa Park at all but rather Las Palmas Park.

It was worth the trip.

Nicky Gaston Playground Slide Back D

Be sure to check out some of Nicky's art on display at Society. He's also connected to the Tea Shack Project.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

No Sleep Till Richmond

Vert. Tall Wall. U pipe. Call it what you will, this place is gnarly. When some buds confirmed they were heading up to Richmond to skate this monster, I hightailed it up to get down.

Part 1, Brad was there.

Richmond Vert 10-13-2010-19

Part 2

Richmond Vert 10-13-2010-21

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Monday, October 11, 2010

621SkateboardNation Episode 1

My buds over at 6 Twenty-One are getting it done son.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tim Brauch Memorial Photos Picked Up By Ohana Board Shop

Head over to Ohana Board Shop to see a gallery of my shots from the Tim Brauch Memorial contest featuring Steve Caballero, Josh Mattson, Brad McClain and more. Here's a sneak peak of their newly designed site, featuring my Layback shot of Cab. Sweet!

Ohana Board Shop Front Page

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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

12th Annual Tim Brauch Memorial Contest

Sunday October 3rd marked day two of twelfth annual Tim Brauch Memorial Skate Contest.  Held at Cunningham skatepark in San Jose, the event was put on by Sessions, one of Brauch's many sponsors.  Hundrds showed up to celebrate Tim Brauch's memory by watching the contest unfold all day Sunday.

The contest started at 10:30 Sunday morning with girls skating followed by the groms.  Locals had a chance to rip before stepping aside for the Grandmasters starting just afternoon.  Here are some of the highlights featuring unbelievable skating from the Grandmasters throwing down in the Skull Bowl

Click images to get high res downloads.

Steve Caballero

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-25

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-87

Jeff Hedges

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-24

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-26

Steve Alba

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-28

Mark Partain

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-23

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-35

Gavin Pierce

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-81

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-19

Cab took first for the Grandmasters. He was silky smooth and consistent as always.


Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-83


Once the Grandmasters had finished the qualifiers it was up to the pros to get in the pool. There were four heats. Some early action:

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-38

Frank's down for Skidmark and Pile Style.

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-41

So is Zach.

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-48


Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-70


Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-69

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-90


Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-71

Once the finals hit, it was getting hectic.

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-92

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-99

In the end, Josh Mattson could not be stopped.

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-98

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-103

Into the deep end

Tim Brauch Memorial 10-3-2010-66


For more action, head over to flickr.

For even more coverage, and final results, head over to

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fayuca Skateboards

Location: 6TwentyOne Skateshop, Livermore, CA (Blue Bar Parking lot)
Date: 9-18-2010
Conditions: Misty, overcast

It was about 9:30 in the morning. Mike from Skidmark Skatemag had strict instructions to the judges and photographers to get there early for the scoop. Previous attempts to pry loose any information about the Poker Run he organized for the day were unsuccessful. We rolled in, bleary eyed and hungry for information.

Puke was visible outside the shop. We later learned it most likely originated from the shop's owner. Phone calls went unreturned. The natives were restless.

Mike introduced me to Jose, the man behind Fayuca Skateboards. Turns out Jose is quite a skate photographer and has put together a sweet little unit to skate for his label. I start angling for who's on his team and learn I know three of the four guys. The fourth is his young nephew, 11.

Jose Fayuca Skateboards

I plan to shoot one of his skaters in San Jose when we get back. I contact Joe Morales and set up a session for Monday night. Joe wants to skate something "industrial." By Tuesday, Jose has taken the shot and updated the Fayuca Skateboards homepage.

And You Don't Stop

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ratface Airwalks it Out

Ratface Airwalks it Out

Walk it Out

You can't be the king of the parking lot forever!

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Thursday, September 02, 2010


Had another fun session Tuesday night with the boys.  First up, Keegan, tuck knee.

Keegan Tuck Knee

Max in the house, frontside grab.


I love this tych: Cesar Rosado.

Rando Rosy

After Rosy, we headed to the streets, troll status, under the bridge.

Bruno, Heel Flip to Fakie

Bruno Heelflip

Juan Tych


Sequence Action (click through for bigger)

Juan Nollie Flip

Keegan Admiring the Hardware


To La Vic!
Orange Sauce is the Boss

Back to Rosy

Bruno on the K Grind

Bruno Krooked Grind

One more Sequence, Keegan Boneless

Keegan Boneless


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