Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Introducing Two New Babies to the World

Life is truly amazing. Over the weekend, my boss and his wife had his first born child, a son, Craig David Holland. Then today, I found out that two more good friends had their first child, a daugher, Zosia Zarnecki.

Here are the relevant details I've been able to glean.

Craig David was born at 9:53pm on Saturday night, about 3
weeks early. He is 5lb 14oz and 19in long. Even with his early
arrival, he is very healthy and strong - scored 9/10 on his Apgar
( which is a very good thing
for a baby born ahead of schedule.

Zosia Zarnecki, Born Oct 2, 18:39, 6.7lbs, 19inches
Mom and little Z doing great. Papa Z happy.

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